DUTCH stands for dried urine test for comprehensive hormones. The DUTCH Test is a comprehensive sex and adrenal hormone test that includes metabolites and organic acids to bring patient hormone status into focus.
Steroid hormones do not dissolve well in water so they cannot pass directly into the urine. Instead, they must be broken down in the liver and kidneys to form smaller, water-soluble particles (known as metabolites) which can be excreted. Certain metabolites can be harmful if they are produced in excess, which is one important reason to test.
Metabolites are sometimes difficult to detect with traditional methods but can be extremely important indicators for certain conditions. Urine testing is the best method for testing reproductive hormone metabolites. Testing these metabolites can give healthcare practitioners an in-depth picture of why their patient’s overall hormones are elevated, lacking, or point toward specific symptoms.
If you are having problems with your cycle, menopause, or peri-menopause, a DUTCH test may be beneficial. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call 920-907-1700 or email idealchiropracticfdl@gmail.com